Re: Topic Tuesday // Is mental health more challenging for men? // 20 June, 7pm AEST

Thanks @Zoe7 🙂
I usually get started early because I take a while to warm up LOL
Coffee time!

Re: Topic Tuesday // Is mental health more challenging for men? // 20 June, 7pm AEST

I thought you would know by now that I would do those things (eg surveys) straight away LOL

Here's one to get you going this morning @NikNik...

Re: Topic Tuesday // Is mental health more challenging for men? // 20 June, 7pm AEST

Wow, ok I'll try that. Thank you.

Re: Topic Tuesday // Is mental health more challenging for men? // 20 June, 7pm AEST

Is that the same obe as the 50 dollar prize obe, I did that one but didn't put my name on it 'cause I'm not interested in the prize 🙂


Re: Topic Tuesday // Is mental health more challenging for men? // 20 June, 7pm AEST

That's correct @Former-Member 🙂
Thanks for filling it out!

Re: Topic Tuesday // Is mental health more challenging for men? // 20 June, 7pm AEST

good morning @NikNik, @Former-Member, @Quilly, @Zoe7 Smiley Very Happy

Re: Topic Tuesday // Is mental health more challenging for men? // 20 June, 7pm AEST

annual survey done @NikNik Smiley Happy

Re: Topic Tuesday // Is mental health more challenging for men? // 20 June, 7pm AEST

@Former-Member and Glen. Sorry i missed this last night a few family things to attend to, time flies !! I have been in a couipleof 'people focussed' jobs, the pointy end. I have seen both good and not so MI professionals at work. When I first realised I needed help it wasn't easy to admit it. For guys it will always be hard to make the decision. i was cajoled, pushed if you like and I'm glad family and friends made the extra effort. Working with people, i knew what panic attacks were like. Working on the frontline so to speak you have to be able to release the stress. Most of my mates can't decompress unless its over a few beers...... maybe a lot a lot more than you think. 

For me I was told early on in my work, my personality type was going to need to decompress verbally or journalling. I still do 🙂 🙂 Expectations of how guys handle stress, anxiety and depression haven't changed much, from experience. But society is changing the last 10 and 5 yrs last year, last week!! Making that first step is a big one. Finding a good psychologist and pyschiatrist can be a challenge. A GP can help but G = General not a specialist and i need specialists. Its no shame to put your hand up. I didn't tell my mates, some didn't get it and still don't and won't.

Just being able to talk about things that crank your gears or hack you off, without any comment or judgements from family or friends, no matter how much they want to help. Sure talk to them but we need someone who can listen and tell us something that is not out of a magazine or they saw it online, so it must be true. Ok, have crapped on long enough. Am still walking the black dog, but you can walk it and not let it walk you. Stay safe guys, Thanks Suzanne and Glen... Next time 🙂

Re: Topic Tuesday // Is mental health more challenging for men? // 20 June, 7pm AEST

@NikNik Did you know that the year 1977 is missing from the dropdown menu for "year of birth" on the survey? Oh well, I guess this means I will have to be 39 for another year. Smiley LOL

Re: Topic Tuesday // Is mental health more challenging for men? // 20 June, 7pm AEST

@NikNikI've done the survey, although I didn't know where to find it at first.

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