Re: Hi there

You sound like such a battler. Good on you @Catsgirl-78 


With your husband's uni, he can ask for reasonable adjustments to be made so that he gets extra allowances. I had a reasonable adjustment plan in place. I had extra time for uni assignments, extra support and extra TLC from my co-ordinators. It was really helpful and helped me get through uni.


I glad your husband is now able to help himself a little in not only working a bit but studying. 


As for you, make sure you have as much support as possible.


Please tag me into your responses so I do not miss them. All you have to do is type "@" in front of my name and a drop down will appear. e.g. @tyme .


See you around.

Re: Hi there

You are doing very well @Catsgirl-78 !

Re: Hi there

@tyme Thanks so much for the tip on the ‘reasonable adjustment plan’. Do you think that’d be applicable for most universities? 
And thanks for your note too 😊

Re: Hi there

Hi @Catsgirl-78 

I will second what @tyme said about the reasonable adjustments at Uni. I would be most surprised if any Uni did not have this.


I also had adjustments to get through a Uni course. I went through uni on the back of loosing my job due to burnout and supporting my wife through a significant mental health crisis and months in hoapital.  Even was able to take a baby to classes with me. 


Well worth looking into with student support services. I found that a challenge to begin with because I was determined to do in on my own. But a lecturer insisted and I am glad she did. I don't think I personally could have completed without it. 




Re: Hi there


Also just realised my inital reply to you dropped the link to another thread 

Here it is: 



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