Senior Contributor

Life on an SSRI

I recently started back on medication specifically anxiety medication for the first time in years 

I wanted to write about the journey for me and maybe track my progress by writing about how its going. 

it might help someone else who’s considering it, currently going through or has been before. 

i don’t think I’m allowed to name what I’m taking but thats ok. this is mostly for me to just get it out of my head. I might even decide Im being too vulnerable and delete this thread, but lets give it a shot. 


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Re: Life on an SSRI

day 1: Sunday: 


I have felt nothing so far, maybe just a peace of mind that I have decided to go through with this after a lot of debate with myself. I had my partner with me this morning while I took it she was helpful. It will take a while to feel anything, today nothing was different. 
Sunday PM - got really tired really early, not sure if its related or just life tiredness

Day 2: Monday. 
Really tired again today, all day felt just a little bit spaced out and foggy, more then pre meds (i also have adhd for peopld reading who dont know that). By the time evening came around I felt fine, weirdly enough. Stayed up late enough to watch a movie with my partner which was nice. 

Day 3 Tuesday 

feel so nauseated like I can’t eat anything without feeling sick, but not eating makes me also feel sick. Woke up really light headed but that went away. Couldnt eat dinner because I felt sick at the thought, even trying to cook dinner made me feel sick, I like cooking. Hopefully this goes away soon so I can cook for my family again. been told to take anti nausea medication for a few days and it may ease up so will try that.




Re: Life on an SSRI

Day 4- today was really hard. probably the hardest day yet.

Struggled this morning, physically felt when I woke up but experienced some side effects around physical intimacy that i didn’t expect to feel this early, im hoping it’s temporary.
Physically felt worse as the day went on, felt pretty horrible all day, nauseas, dizzy, had a moment where i felt really anxious while I was driving, it got worse because i couldnt pull over, managed to calm down though, no real explanation for it, but that may not anything related to medication and more just related to having chronic anxiety in general. I’m not sure.
I feel pretty horrid now and on deaths doorstep so hopefully this fades and tomorrow is a better day.

Re: Life on an SSRI

Hey @ArraDreaming ,


I'm hearing you. Good on your for giving it a go. If the side effects still trouble you, it's good to reach out to the prescribing doctor. I'm sorry you still felt the anxiety today. Do you think it was as bit easier to manage this time?


Remember, you are not alone in this. 


We are sitting with you.

Re: Life on an SSRI

It actually got pretty bad @tyme 

I was driving, there was no where to pull over, I felt really hot and could feel my heart racing. Right when Im considering how Im gonna keep driving home and get through this my kid starts talking, verbalising every thought, then they both start fighting. 
I feel like if anything it passed a lot quicker than other times which is good, but maybe Im just imagining that? Dunno 

Re: Life on an SSRI

It’s going to take a while for this to start working @tyme things might start working sooner but it’s roughly a 4 weeks or so they said

Re: Life on an SSRI

From my experience, it's 4-6 weeks too @ArraDreaming . So definitely worth the wait. Hope it gets better.

Re: Life on an SSRI

hopefully sooner cause I been on this before @tyme

Re: Life on an SSRI

Day 5 - the hardest day yet. physically fine, apart from waking up feeling high for about 3 hours this morning which kind of freaked me out, but im in struggle street mentally today

Re: Life on an SSRI

Hey @ArraDreaming ,


That sounds tough. I'm still wondering whether what you are feeling is attributed to the meds or whether it is the meds not working yet?


What do you think?


Did you get to go out today?

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