Re: Support for Flowerlove22

Hey @Sunnyside226 no one is wanting to get rid of you hun! We're glad to have you here in the community. 


Re: Support for Flowerlove22

Please no hate or judgement 

Feel free not to answer I don't mind 


Why is suicide so miss understood? Like why do people treat us like shit?  

It's like a circus  you get told to see your GP or mental health but nobody understands why  it's like you go around in circles everyone says go here and there,   I know people don't care about suicide  but telling someone you care about them and not actually caring is wrong    also why do people treat it like it's a joke?  I thought people were allowed to talk to others without judgement  it just seems  like nobody cares about it doesn't even want a conversation about it 


Nobody as to reply, I don't expect anyone to  I'm sorry if I don't or this doesn't makes sense  


Re: Support for Flowerlove22

Who are you? 

Re: Support for Flowerlove22

Hey @Sunnyside226 


No need to apologise, we're all glad to have you here!


I really appreciate you being so open about this topic. I'm curious how you would ideally have supports react to discussions around suicide? Like if you were the ringmaster of this circus how would you change things?



Re: Support for Flowerlove22

Also @Ru-bee  I know there is another boss not just @tyme   In future   can sane or PSW  give a time we most reply to the emails.  Like hey ... We have concerns for you can you let us know your safe by this time   yes yes it might not happen.  Me not making no sense lol 


I don't really talk about my suicidal thoughts   sometimes I do on here because it can feel safe   

I do talk to my psych  once a month I hate talking to the gp never have never well  


When I go to the hospital they like call mental health I have once or twice it was go to the gp which doesn't help  it's like being pushed back and forth to the people but nobody says anything 


Also hey @Ru-bee  how are you  can we chat today about anything?   Again I'm sorry about yesterday I really hope the forums didn't see that. 


Now my big is over     you up to much? 

Re: Support for Flowerlove22

@Sunnyside226 Adding a timeframe for a response for our check-in emails sounds like a great idea, that could be something we look into for sure.


Yeah feeling pushed back and forth from the hospital to your GP would be so frustrating! 


Again, no need to apologise, we all have bad days. 


I'm having a nice slow start to the day so far. Just trying to stay as warm as possible, its freezing here today! How's your morning been? Have you got much on today?



Re: Support for Flowerlove22

@Ru-bee  I've had to go see the kids today  had to pick up my partner from golf. Boring 😂 


Now chatting to you    what's your hobbies?  Sorry about all my stupid questions    I'm having a pine attack feel like I can't breathe  

Re: Support for Flowerlove22

Happy to chat about my hobbies @Sunnyside226 but want to check that you're okay first.


Are you able to take a few slow, deep breaths?


What are some things that have helped in the past when you've felt panicked like this?


If distraction helps we can keep on chatting of course 

Re: Support for Flowerlove22

@Ru-bee  I'm so so having an anxiety attack  I'm breathing  I'm calming down I feel like I'm about to have a autistic meltdown  


I'm calm  cool  collective 



Re: Support for Flowerlove22

Loving this self-talk @Sunnyside226 I hope you're starting to feel a bit more calm cool and collected


Would having a glass of water or getting some fresh air help? 


To serve as a possible distraction I'll respond to your question about my hobbies:

I've been knitting and recently started crocheting a bit too, but the things I've made are a bit wonky as I'm still getting the hang of it haha. I also get into periods of reading but it's tricky because I find reading can make me feel quite sleepy and relaxed so if I'm laying down my reading can turn into napping.

Other than that I like painting and drawing but I don't do it as often as I'd like. I've been wanting to sign up to an art class for ages but I keep putting it off. 


What are some of your hobbies?

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