Community Guide

Thoughts for Sydney

This is an incredibly difficult time for so many - especially those in Sydney and all who have been touched by the recent tragedy. It also, no doubt, brings up memories and thoughts for anyone who has experienced trauma in their lives.


This is a place to come together, show our support and support each other.


Please be aware of the Community Guidelines - especially around safety and anonymity - and reach out for extra support if needed:


Lifeline - 13 11 14

Griefline - 1300 845 745

Suicide Call Back Service - 1300 659 467

Beyond Blue - 1300 22 4636

MensLine Australia - 1300 78 99 78

kids Helpline - 1800 55 1800

13 YARN - 13 92 76


SANE Support Services (Monday - Friday) 10am - 8 pm - 1800 187 263



Re: Thoughts for Sydney

Thank you @Zoe you are an amazing support on here. Traveller

Re: Thoughts for Sydney

Thanks @Zoe7 

Now lets see what they blame it on...


Re: Thoughts for Sydney

@traveller ❤️


@Snowie It is hard as we already know what the media is saying without knowing a full picture.

What we need to focus on though is our support for all those touched by this tragedy.

Re: Thoughts for Sydney

Thank you @Zoe7
It’s one of those things hey, you can’t put it down but you want to put it down and stop reading but you can’t… even though you know you need to.
It just won’t leave my head this morning, even spending time with my family it’s just sitting there.
🫂 to everyone

Re: Thoughts for Sydney

@Zoe7 💗💗

Re: Thoughts for Sydney

I have actually turned off the tv and am watching something on my laptop @ArraDreaming I agree - it is something you don't want to have around all the time but also feel obliged to listen/view/know. I think it is human nature to want to know why? and be engrossed by the news to make sense of it ...but with things like this we often will never know the why so we need to support each other the best we can. 

Re: Thoughts for Sydney

Yep @Zoe7

Re: Thoughts for Sydney

TW: Discussion of stigma against mental illness.

I'm struggling to put this into words, but I really hope that stigma against mental illness doesn't increase after this incident. Most of the reporting I've seen (aside from reporting that named the wrong person, which was nasty in a different way) blames the perpetrator's mental illness for what he did. And sure, mental illness could've been a factor in this one case, but I really hope that the public realises that being mentally ill doesn't make us dangerous or violent by default. I hope people realise that the solution to mental illness in our communities is more support, not punishment or abuse of mentally ill people as a first resort. It's the same worry I have every single time the public is widely discussing a violent event that's attributed to mental illness. My mental illnesses are often hidden from other people, due to the specific conditions I have and my isolation, but I'm worried for people whose mental illnesses are more apparent and can't be masked, if that makes sense. I'm not sure what I can do except speak out against harmful rhetoric when I encounter it.

I hope everyone in this community is doing okay, and that you're supported. I'm really glad this forum exists.

Re: Thoughts for Sydney

Me too @D1ng0 we just gotta support each other

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