Re: Walking on the road to recovery ........ 🤔

Thanks for the support through this @Faith-and-Hope. I don’t think I’ll be able to write the one on therapy tonight. I think I need to give it more time. There is a lot in it too.  

I really don’t have much of a clue where to from here but I’m trying so hard to get back into a routine and do the basics. I’ve not achieved much else. Everyday is still a struggle and I get tearful a lot but it’s calming to work out some of the things I’ve written about today. I know this calmness will not last. It’s the nature of the beast with me. I just hope I can find a way to live. 

Re: Walking on the road to recovery ........ 🤔

hugs @Teej thank you for sharing this (all of it) it helps to hear, relate to a lot and im always sitting nearby.. brain not really thinking much tonight though for a proper response 🙂 but im ok.

Re: Walking on the road to recovery ........ 🤔

I am sure you will @Teej ..... you are working out how to tell your story ..... there will be a lot of bits and pieces to fit back into a workable place, and others that you will decide aren’t much use to you any more ..... just take the time it needs to take and work through it.

Sounds like your therapist is a good ‘un .... where you can empty out a bagful of don’t-know-what-to-do-with-this-stuff every now and then and she will help you sort through it ....

And of course we are here ..... 😁

Patience m’dear ....

Think I am gonna be here a long time yet ....


Re: Walking on the road to recovery ........ 🤔

Thank you for your support @Former-Member. I’ve not been very good at acknowledging it but it means a lot to me. Sorry my first post went to protective teej mode. Thinking of you and sending hugs. 💜🤗


So sorry I stuffed up the first post. My brain is frazzled and am going to bed now to I think. 💜🤗

Re: Walking on the road to recovery ........ 🤔

Thanks @Teej - im just a bit tired tonight, it has been a big day but am ok. It was a pick up tonight so thats a good thing.. relieved to have my short people home again. Hope you get some rest tonight

Re: Walking on the road to recovery ........ 🤔

@Teej Darling Teej thank you for including me in your post today. I am so happy that my new thread which I posted has helped you even in a small way. Helping others brings happiness doesn't it.  I get happiness ... warm and fuzzy ... when I curl up under my doona with a hot water bottle in winter. I love that. So comforting and calming.

Again thanks for being who you are Teej a lovely beautiful person xxx

Re: Walking on the road to recovery ........ 🤔

Walking with you @Teej x


Re: Walking on the road to recovery ........ 🤔

Hearing you, @Teej. Wishing you the best, always. ox

Re: Walking on the road to recovery ........ 🤔

Walking with you along that darned twisty turny long path. @Teej

Glad you have stabilised from last week.

Glad that your sons can see your love.  

It means a lot to me that you care whether or not you do respond. Somehow that my story made an impact.

You said you were feeling solemn.  That hit me as that is probably a major feeling I have carried through my life.  Not put in my religion, but by my life events.  I am still not good at putting a word to the feeling experiences i have. It helps to see it in others and reflect.

Lately I have been processing a lot.  Also realising that there has indeed been a lot to process.

You deserve the right to process your story.

It is hard to love everybody and keep up with everybody.







Re: Walking on the road to recovery ........ 🤔

Hi @Faith-and-Hope

im sorry I didn’t respond to your call out. I’ve been going ok but had a bed day. I didn’t want to write anything negative because I’d been going ok over the past few days. Today I just collapsed in a hole but will try to dig myself out again tomorrow. I have my psych app tomorrow and have to face the music over my last hospital visit 😳😲. I have some other stuff to share later too about boxes getting ticked so there is good news too. I hope this finds you ok


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