Re: My elephant in the room - Dependent Personality Disorder

@TeejI could call you kind, thoughtful, caring but never a pain in the backside.

No need to apologise Heart

Re: My elephant in the room - Dependent Personality Disorder

Thanks @Snowie. I struggle so much with my 0 - 100 side still. I hope you are doing ok. 💜🤗

Re: My elephant in the room - Dependent Personality Disorder

Agree with you @Snowie ....

More hugs incoming @Teej ..... 💜🤗💐💕

Re: My elephant in the room - Dependent Personality Disorder

Hey! I know you posted this ages ago but it popped up in my search as I just got diagnosed with dpd. It's nice to know that someone else out there has it. Like you said, resources are scarce and even when looking at specifically personality disorder resources, they're all based around BPD and NPD. Which is extremely frustrating with DPD cause the first instinct is always to go to someone else for help! I love that you talk about your DPD as an entity, it feels really tough to separate my diagnosis with myself. I often try to describe my feelings to my partner as "the bad part of my brain is telling me this" or "the anxiety wants me to think this" but I love the idea of talking about it as something separate, or even as "the elephant" as if it's an animal that you can tame and may be able to have control over.
I'm in the really early stages of diagnosis so I don't have a lot of wisdom to offer in response but I wanted to thank you for sharing, it's really helped me and I hope it helped you too

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