Re: Cook Along

PHAHAHA I like you @ENKELI   you’re a straight shooter. What you see, is what you get. I’m the same.

I’ve had to deal with too many toxic people during my working life.

I value my life and I will not waste my time or energy on toxic people.

Children don’t stay young forever. Your goddaughter will either be toxic like her mom or the opposite. Only time will tell.

In the meantime you my friend, you focus on what you want your life to look like.


Re: Cook Along

@Glisten most days I'm pretty good and enjoy the scenery. Then a memory will pop up or something that reminds me of the 8 years I gave up to be a financial and emotional support to someone who didn't deserve any of it. Sadly Goddaughter will turn out like her mother,  I saw the signs before I was cut out of her life.

Now I just need to find a friend or 2 to socialise with. How does one go about this, one wonders?!

Enjoy your evening G, you make our city better for being in it 🫂

Re: Cook Along

Hubby says he goes for San Francisco 49´ers

@ENKELI @Glisten 

Re: Cook Along

@Oaktree understandable perthite Mitchell Wishnowsky is the punter/kicker for 49ers


It’s raining here this morning. How about where you are?

I’m watching season 2 of Life on Mars uk tv series. Very unattractive men, but the the sci-fi storyline is good and the music is even better.


Re: Cook Along

@Glisten very unattractive men, ha ha love it. What platform is Life on Mars on? You probably mentioned it previously as I remember reading the synopsis.


You know your sports my friend, I'm uber impressed. I chose the Eagles as Philadelphia is my favourite US city and my other favourite city, San Diego doesn't have a team anymore.


It's trying to rain in Da Swan and I'm looking for something to do.

Re: Cook Along

Is everyone cooking up a storm? @ENKELI 


As you know, I don't cook, but I'm open for people to share their cooking lol!


Today, I had Lebanese rice with chicken and tabouli for lunch/dinner.... actually, I didn't have brekkie either so it was the one meal for all. Someone cooked this meal and gave it to me. 

Re: Cook Along

@tyme ooh, yummy! 3 meals in one, even better.

I made my usual muffins for Monday Muffins at work, making an extravagant dinner of chicken sausages, veggies and chips. I forgot to take the roast out of the freezer.

I love winter, more hot food options!!

Re: Cook Along

Yummo @ENKELI ! 


Btw, I just sent you an email.

Re: Cook Along

@tyme , @Oaktree , @ENKELI , @Glisten , @PizzaMondo , @Ainjoule 


Brought a cooked chicken and cooked some roast vegetables to go with it for dinner tonight 😋 :ok_hand: 

Re: Cook Along

Yummo @Shaz51 . We're just on the Live Chat if you want to join.

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