Re: Peer Group Chat // Optimising our Environment For Us // Thursday 8th February 2024, 7-8:30PM AEDT

❤️. @tyme , @Former-Member 

Re: Peer Group Chat // Optimising our Environment For Us // Thursday 8th February 2024, 7-8:30PM AEDT

Hey Everyone, 

I recently came across this really cool podcast episode, which partially explores a list of things to consider in optimizing your environment; 

  1. Something that reminds you of someone you love: Could be a photo, an inherited piece of furniture, or even a book that brings back good memories.
  2. Something that reminds you of the last time you felt safe: Maybe it’s an article of clothing, a candle, or even a piece of art.
  1. Something that motivates or energizes you: An inspirational quote on the wall, perhaps, or your vision board strategically placed.
  2. Something that engages your senses: Think of plants, textured fabrics, or even a sound machine with nature sounds.
  3. Something that elicits strong, positive emotion: What makes you smile as soon as you look at it? Keep that in plain sight.
  4. Something that smells awesome: Scented candles, fresh flowers, or your favorite essential oils.
  5. Something that makes you feel comforted or cozy: A good, cozy blanket or a chair you can sink into can do wonders.
  6. Something that makes you feel supported or taken care of: Maybe it’s a well-stocked pantry or a space dedicated to your self-care routine.
  7. Something that takes stuff off your plate (functionality): Think of gadgets or appliances that make your life easier.
  8. Something that anticipates your needs: This can be as simple as an alarm that reminds you to wind down at night so you get the right amount of sleep.
  9. Something that makes you feel like you’re moving toward a goal: Keeping a calendar on your wall to mark day-to-day progress is a great reminder.

 For anyone who'd like to, I want to invite you to take one (or more) item/s from the list and share what that might look like for you, of course keeping our guidelines, particularly around anonymity, in mind where that may apply (i.e. the first item on the list) 😊

I am really excited to read about everyone's ideas!


@Shaz51 @Former-Member @Me73 @Snowie @8ppleTree @Josie72 @Sand @PizzaMondo @Jynx @Jasper_123 @Miss-wish @Flossy16 @Alisse @Former-Member @chibam 

Re: Peer Group Chat // Optimising our Environment For Us // Thursday 8th February 2024, 7-8:30PM AEDT

Thanks for sharing, @TideisTurning; this is a great resource and summary 🙂 


Here are some examples of what works for me: 

Something that makes me feel comforted or cozy

  • My MellowMat Lux (click here)

Something that anticipates my needs

  • A reminder on my phone at 7:00 pm each night to engage in sensory self-soothing. 

Something that makes me feel like I'm moving towards a goal:

  • Engaging with my Personal Trainer weekly.

I am looking forward to hearing from members of the SANE community 🙂 

Re: Peer Group Chat // Optimising our Environment For Us // Thursday 8th February 2024, 7-8:30PM AEDT

Hey there @TideisTurning ,

what a great idea! 🌺🙂

The closest I have is number one: Reminders.. I am disconnected from my family and culture having moved to Australia when I was very young, so I missed growing up with all my grandparents, aunties, uncles, cousins, etc. 

What I do have are some very old (at least 50 years old) paintings by my grandmother that I have on my walls. They were hidden inside luggage (not sure why), and so they were removed from their original frames, and when I have reframed them the old framing mount can be seen - I kinda like that, because it adds to the history+mystery around my family connections that are to this day elusive 🙂


Re: Peer Group Chat // Optimising our Environment For Us // Thursday 8th February 2024, 7-8:30PM AEDT

@TideisTurning @amber22 @Former-Member @Former-Member @Shaz51 

Way back in the mid nineties, I purchased this framed print from a place in Fremantle called the Pickled Fairy Shop. $165 

It’s big 99x68cms


After the first 10 years of owning it I started to think it had relationship bad mojo, and after the 13 narcissistic abuse relationship, I looked at it and it did NOT connect to me.

An hour ago, I sold it for $95 to a nice lady who will display the Mermaid in her office.

And I feel good.



Re: Peer Group Chat // Optimising our Environment For Us // Thursday 8th February 2024, 7-8:30PM AEDT

Hey there @Glisten  🙂


Sounds like a breath of fresh air to have moved the pic onto its new owner 🙂 xx


Im really glad to read it feels good to have done so! 

Re: Peer Group Chat // Optimising our Environment For Us // Thursday 8th February 2024, 7-8:30PM AEDT

And @Former-Member @Former-Member @amber22 

She sent me this photo. The print looks amazing in her office 




Re: Peer Group Chat // Optimising our Environment For Us // Thursday 8th February 2024, 7-8:30PM AEDT

That's great @Glisten you feel good with it moved on - cant wait to see the image when the 'yellow triangle of doom' no longer sits in its place! 

I learned that from @Shaz51 😁 hehe!


Edit: Oh, looks great there above the cabinet 🙂

Re: Peer Group Chat // Optimising our Environment For Us // Thursday 8th February 2024, 7-8:30PM AEDT

Photo is perfect @Glisten 🙂


😁 hehe @Former-Member 

Re: Peer Group Chat // Optimising our Environment For Us // Thursday 8th February 2024, 7-8:30PM AEDT

@Shaz51 @tonys @Former-Member@Former-Member@SmilingGecko

It is a respectful end to a relationship. It gives me comfort to see the Mermaid treated with dignity by her new owner.



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