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Re: Tabaluga's

Hi @TAB 


I am doing ok. Been to the gym this morning. Had a personal training session yesterday so had a program to follow. Then went grocery shopping with hubby. Just stopping at san churros for a hot chocolate.

Re: Tabaluga's

Hello @StuF you must be feeling pooped. But well done for getting out there today. I don't know how much luck i'll get from Kmart on a return item over its warranty date. Read an article in Money Magazine yesterday talking about places like K-mart that do cheap knockoffs and why its not worth shopping at these places. Gave myself a bonza haircut and avoided having to go to the hairdresser. Next time if the Citizens Advice Bureau has this haircutting service still will go there instead. It only takes a few minutes to cut don't know why its so pricey even at the production line hairdresser at shopping centre which spits out a ticket and you wait in line

Re: Tabaluga's

Hey @SmilingGecko  - yep, I've had enough fun for one day! lol


Yeah, good luck with KMart  They're good for some things, but not sure I'd buy many electrical devices from them. But I get that they are cheap!

Women get screwed on prices for hair cuts from what I can tell. I guess labour costs are probably high?

Senior Contributor

Re: Tabaluga's

they are quick to blame while missing obvious things re cardiologist. @Meowmy  I can do that a lot cheaper than they can lol

Senior Contributor

Re: Tabaluga's

oh, its in a small group of 5 re parking space,that have notices on kerb, except notice says such and such dept, patient, ha ha so I figure no one knows which one Im at plus one its supposed to be like an hours wait, so its all covered @SmilingGecko  ..lolo ..

Senior Contributor

Re: Tabaluga's

nice @Oaktree  re coffee . raining here now after weird weather overnight, 24 deg min and wind  blowing hard

Re: Tabaluga's

@StuF I used to live by a tourist mountain range and there was a hair salon with antiquated furniture and an open fire place. My psych nurse at community health told me to go and check it out just for the experience. Had my hair cut by a former channel 10 hairdresser there and it was the worst haircut I had ever had. My hair was cropped back so much it looked awful. Don't know if he was having a bad day but since that day just got my hair cut in a refugees laundry not far from where I used to live. After moving I just did mobile hairdressing from a lady who used to run her own salon previously and since the world wide economic crash was using a Crea-clip. So things got very minimalist after that that lol! ❤️

Re: Tabaluga's

lol @SmilingGecko 


I must say I sometimes miss my long hair...but not looking after it! These days it's just a number 2 all over thanks!

Re: Tabaluga's

Ha ha yes @StuF I get it! I've never been the same. I think he actually did me a favor! So funny. I don't bother anymore, its not worth the inflated cost and disappointment

Senior Contributor

Re: Tabaluga's

Katoomba ? @SmilingGecko  thats where famous people go to die lol and all big old buildings stayed in motel next to Jon English , friend was travelling snuck in to see their show, said no one there.

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