Senior Contributor

Re: Tabaluga's

Thanks for caring @Meowmy 

Hope things okay with you

Re: Tabaluga's

Hey @TAB @Meowmy @Bill16 and all peoples


Heavy day at work today. Just as well they pay me! lol


Anyway, hope you're doing ok. @TAB  I hope appointment goes well tomorrow

Re: Tabaluga's

I’m nursing my food baby @Shaz51 Shazzy 😂

Re: Tabaluga's

Good on you for quitting cigarettes @TAB 


most people put on weight then. I did but it was 40 years ago for me 


@Shaz51 @Meowmy @StuF @Glisten 


Turkey salad today. 

Senior Contributor

Re: Tabaluga's

have a good mean and a sleep @StuF 

thanks re appt. I rang in the end, its just a 12mth check up with dr seen before who was okay

Senior Contributor

Re: Tabaluga's

well was under exercising, no metabolism, too much food, age  then apnoea, then repeat, just self perpetuating cycle  , as well as not smoking


Re: Tabaluga's

👍👍 @TAB 

Re: Tabaluga's

Dearest @Oaktree 

What music were you listening to ? 


My son is flying over on Thursday night. I'm so excited. He's 34 years old. 



Re: Tabaluga's

Is there anyone around that wants to chat? 

Re: Tabaluga's

Lovely to hear from you all. I'm slowly getting through messages. 


Watching the series with Harrison Ford in called Yellowstone park. 

Getting annoyed with it. 


@Appleblossom @Meowmy @TAB @Gremlin24 @StuF @Oaktree @TAB @Glisten 

@Dimity @Jo @Zoe7 


My budgie got out of the cage - easy to do because we leave the cage open. So I'm pulling flat apart trying to find him. I knew he was under the bed I just knew so when I bent down he almost flew in my face ! 

I stuck my finger out and he hopped on it and I popped him back in the cafe .....

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