26-04-2024 10:43 AM
26-04-2024 10:43 AM
@TAB I'm really sorry that happened to you and I understand what you went through. Yes violence is erratic and unexplained, it just happens leaving a child hurt and confused. They should make it harder for people to have kids! My old friend used to say there ought to be a permit you have to get before having children.
I think now with all the social problems and the way the economy is you just wouldn't want to bring kids into this world anyway. I hope you have come to a point in your life where you are free of the past TAB. A child should not have to face those kinds of fears and violence. Your father sounds like he was rotten through and through. Your lovely mum sounds like she put up with a lot.
Saw an article in The Herald Sun saying family violence has skyrocketed. Up by 60% or something breach of intervention orders. No surprise. When we had the world wide crash lots of family violence was recorded in a well heeled suburb up the road. You could read it in the local rag. Sometimes you are better on your own that hooking up with someone these days as economic pressures lead to family violence. I thought this for a while and wondered what was happening in families these days but yes increases in domestic violence.
I'm in a happy space now. I have peace in my life. Its been this way for years now. I have my hobbies, my interests and can do as I please. My life has been good for a long while! I had my dog while he was alive and was just plain happy
26-04-2024 10:56 AM
26-04-2024 10:56 AM
26-04-2024 11:36 AM
26-04-2024 11:36 AM
well I managed to sleep this time @StuF .. if was no appt in a few hours prob would have stayed there lol
26-04-2024 11:40 AM
26-04-2024 11:40 AM
had nap here @Meowmy physio in 3 hours. thinking 3rd attempt at getting axe here, ok all have their uses ..but ..
need trolley too or ask wood guy for a stump to chop on, am doing it on concrete and end up hitting axe heads on concrete der
26-04-2024 11:46 AM
26-04-2024 11:46 AM
yeah , mother put up with too much, almost impossible for her to leave in early 1970s when she should have. literally no money, plus infinite shame to family etc etc lol
yes, women are always at butt-end of economic hardship which seems to exacerbate DV etc. Would like to see stats on single women over 50 esp w rents these days. or see all oldies on dating sites that only scammers would go for. its ok for men, then can get economic refugee -brides 30 years younger or dirty old rich men can date 30 y.o's etc, dont think it quite works in reverse @Former-Member
26-04-2024 12:14 PM
26-04-2024 12:18 PM
26-04-2024 12:18 PM
@TAB I hear you. Most people when dating now want to know if you have home ownership which comes up early in the conversation I have been told. Women over 50 are the ones that wind up with nothing after raising a family and caretaking. Having no savings and little super. They tend to veer towards mature group communities so older women can support eachother. I suspect now its worse in terms of poverty and homelessness. The was an article about it in this months Money Magazine
26-04-2024 12:18 PM
26-04-2024 12:18 PM
have a good nap @Meowmy not long up here. had shower, best thing done all day lol. am dressed and ready for physio in 2 hours now lol. think go to shops for snacks while out. try and do something towards study later , chop some wood and do washing think ha.
26-04-2024 12:24 PM
26-04-2024 12:24 PM
I couldnt co-habitate with someone I was in a relationship or anyone for that matter , unless they were right on back fence in a caravan or something. only 2 brs here and cos houso house, they have a common wall. So , No privacy if had a boarder , say. @Former-Member
26-04-2024 12:31 PM
26-04-2024 12:31 PM
@TAB you're not the only one who hates iTunes!
I am not an apple fan, haven't been since my iPhone overheated and split in half.
Like you I prefer CDs or at least USBs and SD cards. Only problem with CDs is not enough storage room in my car!
Does your car not come with a CD player? That's something to be mindful of in new cars if I upgrade. I've got a 2017 Mitsubishi ASX and it has a CD player, USB and SD connections and I use them more than I do the Bluetooth with my phone.
@Former-Member how are you? I've thought about getting an ipod but don't know anything about how to use one!
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