Re: My special place

Afternoon @creative_writer 

Just had some Thai for lunch. Favourite in our household! Both kids had to get back for work tonight. S on holidays at the moment so easier to come mid week. Both working on weekend.

I hope all is going ok for you

Re: My special place

@Snowie Thai sounds delicious. We had Thai last weekend.

It's been rough lately, but I'm no longer getting SH and SI urges. I'm just very drained and haven't had a very productive week so far. Do you have any plans for this afternoon?

Re: My special place

It's good that your sh and si urges have gone down but still hard when it is a rough week for you @creative_writer you have gotten through the week so far so be proud of that. Just like some days, some weeks are just right off's.

Not much on this afternoon, just playing some sudoku on my ipad. Groups normally stop about 4pm so just biding my time now. Thought I would just check in to see how people are going.

Re: My special place

Great to see you @Snowie 🙂


ECT 4 already? Wow. Was it three a week?


Hope they can find the vein next time... I don't like the bruises that they leave lol Hurts for days!


Thinking of you.

Re: My special place

@Snowie it has certainly been a crazy one. I also got my period after 45 days which never happens. Not sure why, but it’s hard to get in to see a GP, will have to wait.

I hope you are finding the groups helpful, it does help to be able to connect with others who also have a lived experience of mental health

Re: My special place

Hi @tyme 

Yeah it is 3 a week. Even with the public holiday in Melb tomorrow they still do them, which is good.

They use the same arm each time so have quite a few bruises on it 

Hopefully they kick in soon and it starts to help. In the past by about the 5th-6th one I can notice a difference.

Still got a lot of sh, si thoughts but guess I'm in the best place for it.

I hope you are going well

Re: My special place

Around where I live gp's are in short supply too @creative_writer so I hope you get in soon to see one. 


I struggle to connect with others but that's just me. Always been a loner than talk to others.

Re: My special place

@Snowie trauma can make it hard to connect to others. I find myself quiet in a group of people. I do better with less people as there are less conversations to focus on and it’s less stimulating.

I’ve lost so many friends over my lifetime, but I just don’t think they were my type of people, so people naturally give up and grow apart. It’s hard to find my type of people. I feel like I might as well put my time and energy in relationships that matter since my social batteries are already so low. Some people may not understand my philosophy, but I rather have few close friends than tons of acquaintances. Relationships take a lot of work. I don’t find big social gathering all that appealing. It’s way worse to feel lonely around people than to actually end up alone

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