Re: NDIS stress is it worth it

Hi again @Serenity1   My support was from my brother and sister-in--law - they were amazing.  I couldn't have done it without them as I'd been isolated and house-bound for many years before moving into a cabin they built for me in their back yard.  They are very special people.   With having a support worker help you, just remember the NDIS is all about you having 'choice and control' and I believe that includes getting to see and have input on any forms or reports going to the NDIS to support your application.  And keep a copy of everything if you possibly can.  

I'll be away for a few days so if you tag me I won't see it til Monday.  Take care.

Re: NDIS stress is it worth it

@eth wow!!! You are so lucky to have such an amazing brother & sister in law- that is so cool & nice of them! I can't get over that! 😍
Yes- after reading your last post to me I immediately emailed the support worker & told her "DO NOT SEND IN THE FORMS UNTIL I HAVE SEEN THEM & I want copies of everything that is being sent in & all my medical files she has of mine"-- you are absolutely right & if you hadn't have said that to me I would not have had the courage to say that to her- because of all my abuse & trauma- I feel I don't have any rights & would never have ever thought to ask that- even though it was giving me the most massive anxiety ever- not knowing what was being included & said & sent off- so Thankyou soo much for your advice & support- it is invaluable!!💖

Re: NDIS stress is it worth it

Very glad to be of help @Serenity1   Your reports/statements will likely show what things are like on your worst days (That's the best way to get what you really need from NDIS) so be prepared to find some of it a bit confronting.  It was for me but it's another one of those times where full and frank disclosure of how bad things can be, even if your MH is episodic (like my bipolar 1 is) can mean you get the right help.  The focus needs to be on the functional effects of your 'psychosocial disability' and also on your goals and help you need to take steps toward reaching them.

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