Re: Topic Tuesday // Is mental health more challenging for men? // 20 June, 7pm AEST


Just going through comments now, had net connection issues then fogot once had it sorted.

I find it difficult because I feel the need to provide and am currently unable. Like @Shaz51 mr shaz I feel like a failure. 😕

Re: Topic Tuesday // Is mental health more challenging for men? // 20 June, 7pm AEST

Hi @Former-Member,

you see thats the problem, they will not do that, my wife went to one 4 years ago and didn't want to do it again.

So no. we have tried it and I try to talk about my sessions after everytime i go but they really are to busy to listen. They are how ever the first to get up me when I try and stand my ground when they say you are no better then 4 years ago. they think I am like I was and don't see or don't want to see the changes and enprovements I have made and gone through.

They don't hate me, i am someone with a mental disability and I am put in the corner. I am getting very close to just leaving and going up the coast for a week without telling them and see how long it takes for the to notice.

I wil  keep asking if they will come, I'm not giving up. But i am getting tired.


Re: Topic Tuesday // Is mental health more challenging for men? // 20 June, 7pm AEST

@Determined, you are not a failure my friend , you are holding you darling and your family together , you are doing an amazing wonderful job , it is soo important on what you are doing

Re: Topic Tuesday // Is mental health more challenging for men? // 20 June, 7pm AEST

hi @soul,

I have worked hard all my life and now I cannot, I understand when you say I feel like a failure, I feel I should be the one helping with the providing.


Re: Topic Tuesday // Is mental health more challenging for men? // 20 June, 7pm AEST

One of my biggest barriers to seeking help, when I first went to see a psychologist for support as a carer his advise was to quit my job and leave my wife and children. Told me he could not help if I did not follow his advice. Refused any assistance for  until burnout occured, then the barrier was medical people refusing to acknowledge my perception of problems and barrires. Just thought I was depressed and wanted  medicate me without addreasing causes. What I needed was tools to support my wife and balance a toxic (stressful wise) work enviornment 

Best help I have recieved is from a student psychologist at university psychology clinic. 

Re: Topic Tuesday // Is mental health more challenging for men? // 20 June, 7pm AEST


For me the best progress was when a psychologist finally acknowledged my assesment on the bassis to my problems and barriers to solutions. Worked with me rather than trying to convince me I was wrong. 

This was a student psychologist in final training  (supervised) as part of a university psychology clinic. 

Re: Topic Tuesday // Is mental health more challenging for men? // 20 June, 7pm AEST

@Former-Member wrote:

We've come back to the need for connection a few times in this discussion @Former-Member.  Given that your husband didn't connect with the Men's Shed option, how did he build those connections? 

I see a lack of connection as one of my core issues. Caring for a wife with MI is very isolating for me. More so after I was forced to give up work. At least when I was working I was interacting with other people. I have no few friends and little social interaction. 


Re: Topic Tuesday // Is mental health more challenging for men? // 20 June, 7pm AEST

Interesting reading through all the comments now, disappointed I missed the discussion from the start. Thank you also from me to all who contributed, 

Re: Topic Tuesday // Is mental health more challenging for men? // 20 June, 7pm AEST

Wow - what an interesting Topic Tuesday! 

Thanks to all those involved - @Shaz51 @Adge @redheaded @soul @Former-Member @Former-Member @Former-Member @Quilly @Dogman @Former-Member @bubbles2 @Determined and of course @Glen-MensLineAu

I hope you found the session informative and helpful.

For members who haven't done do yet, it would be so appreciated if you could respond to a few questions in our annual survey Whether it's your first time in the Forums or your 10th year (okay I exaggerate Smiley Happy ) we would like to hear from everyone!

A big thank you to you all again!

Re: Topic Tuesday // Is mental health more challenging for men? // 20 June, 7pm AEST

Already done @NikNik Smiley LOL

You are 'up' early today lol - how are you?

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