Re: Welcome Peer Guides!

Good evening @Ru-bee. Welcome to the forums! I’m so glad you like knitting🧶. That’s one of my favourite hobbies along with crochet and cross stitching. What things do you like to knit? I’ve got a thing for beanies (both adult and baby sizes) which I knit for charity and I’ve also knitted jumpers and blankets in the past of both adult and kid sizes. At the moment, I’ve got a jumper that I’m knitting for myself ( just got to finish the last sleeve and neck before sewing it up) and a blanket which I’m using up lots of my wool from previous things I’ve knitted. It also gives me motivation to use it so I can purchase more later when it’s on sale at Spotlight! I’ve included a of a beanie I’ve recently knitted - a baby beanie for Ambulance Victoria.


 I look forward to seeing you around the forums soon.



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