
Forums offline for scheduled maintenance: Thursday 25 July, 2-6am (AEST)

Dear Community Members,

Scheduled maintenance: Thursday 25 July, 2-6am (AEST)

As part of our ongoing efforts to enhance the performance of SANE Forums, we will be conducting additional maintenance overnight.

What this means for you:

SANE Forums will be temporarily unavailable between 2-6am tonight/Thursday, 25 July. Access will be restored at 6am.

We don’t anticipate any other impacts for the community.

If you have any questions or need assistance, please email

The Sane Forums Team


Office Number:
Phone 03 9830 0566
Fax 03 9830 4793



292 Canterbury Road Surrey Hills
Vic 3127 Melway Map 46 F11

Postal Address:

PO Box 367 Canterbury Vic 3126