Re: Topic Tuesday // Motivation // Tues 14 Aug, 7pm AEDT

@Liss23 I agree as well - it can definitely remind us of what's possible and that's a great way to challenge the negative self talk. 


BuRe: Topic Tuesday // Motivation // Tues 14 Aug, 7pm AEDT

When manic I have motivation but then burn out quick. Depression follows when I'm sore and exhausted.

Re: BuRe: Topic Tuesday // Motivation // Tues 14 Aug, 7pm AEDT

"Start where you are, use what you have, do what you can" - Arthur Ashe


So, we have discussed the emotional processes and blocks that stop us feeling motivated but how can we take steps to get motivated? This quote really inspires me - it’s quite an honest comment to the way in which we can approach motivation which is…


Start small.


We touched on the fact that our feelings on motivation can become negative and part of that can be to do with how big of a task we set ourselves to do sometimes.


It is known that the more you start to do, even in tiny increments the more you will do – as any activity is a movement forward and the momentum can gain. 


By doing even a small activity we can distract our mind for long enough to feel a sense of motivation grow. For instance if you are struggling to get out of bed, maybe you could set yourself the task to get out of bed to make a tea and let yourself come back to bed with the tea for 10 minutes. Break down the overarching task into smaller ones.


With this thought, what are some tasks you feel unmotivated to do and how could you break them down into smaller ones? Let’s share and help each other with ideas for small activities

Re: BuRe: Topic Tuesday // Motivation // Tues 14 Aug, 7pm AEDT

I find lists really handy and motivating. I put a circle next to the to do thing and colour as I get it done. 1/4, 1/2, 3/4 etc.
Works well to feel accomplished and keep on track

Re: Topic Tuesday // Motivation // Tues 14 Aug, 7pm AEDT

@Former-Member wrote:

@Liss23 I agree as well - it can definitely remind us of what's possible and that's a great way to challenge the negative self talk. 


Does everyone actually hear the negative self talk or thoughts ? I have trouble explaining to my psychologist that it’s always that I can’t make myself do something because I don’t “feel” like it. I don’t “hear” thoughts/talk in my head so it’s like how can I stop the self talk or negative thoughts if I can’t hear or identify them?

Re: BuRe: Topic Tuesday // Motivation // Tues 14 Aug, 7pm AEDT

@Former-Member By breaking down my walk. Instead I could walk for 10 mins instead of 30. That way I will prob stick to it. 

Re: Topic Tuesday // Motivation // Tues 14 Aug, 7pm AEDT

I find the feelings can be consuming to the point it feels like I can hear it but I don't actually.
That is called a delusion or hallucination I believe

Re: BuRe: Topic Tuesday // Motivation // Tues 14 Aug, 7pm AEDT

That sounds useful @Liss23 - using numbers and colours is a nice way to keep yourself on track. Do you use any sort of colour codes or is it just colours that make you feel good perhaps?


@BlueBay that's a great way to break down a task. And setting realistic times like 10 minutes instead of 30 is a lovely way to be both kind to yourself and still feel accomplished. When you have done a 10 minute walk instead of 30 do you still feel good about the walk?

Re: Topic Tuesday // Motivation // Tues 14 Aug, 7pm AEDT

I try to remind myself that I don't have to do all my tasks at once.

I can sweep one room, then come back to sweep the next room later.

That only works when I can make myself stop & pause.

Otherwise I keep on thinking that I have to do it all at once (right now) - then I exhaust myself, & almost collapse.


Re: BuRe: Topic Tuesday // Motivation // Tues 14 Aug, 7pm AEDT

I use colours I like for headings, circles and lists. Depends how much time I have. Tell you what's motivating me ATM, an upcoming house inspection

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