Re: Hot Chocolate Anyone ?

Yep @Shaz51 That so Tired (above) is definitely me tonight.

I do need a Hot Choc, but it's too late - Time to go to bed....

My Mobile phone Battery swelled up (inside Phone) & overheated my phone.

Despite buying & having a new Battery fitted to the phone today - My Phone had already been damaged by the faulty battery.

So I had to buy a new phone - & spent all afternoon setting it up (not there yet).



Re: Hot Chocolate Anyone ?

Hi @Adge 

How are you: Its nice to meet you: I’m 56 yrs young: 5 weeks ago I got a sleeve in my tummy. I said to my partner unfortunately I can’t do much housework for 6 weeks. He’s been wonderful. 


But my flat is VERY messy this week after WEstern Australia had a heatwave for about two weeks. I am so tired. Only done the dishes about twice in the past 5 weeks. He’s done it all the other times.

I gotta drink more water. 

Hope you have a good weekend 


@Faith-and-Hope @Shaz51 @Appleblossom @Clawde 



Re: Hot Chocolate Anyone ?

House move complete, but I am feeling so physically wrecked.  Everything hurts.  So tired ….. but it’s done.


@Zoe7 @Appleblossom @Shaz51 @Adge @PeppyPatti @Clawde 

Re: Hot Chocolate Anyone ?

It must be time for a hot chocolate then @Faith-and-Hope 🙂

Re: Hot Chocolate Anyone ?

Definitely @tyme, maybe with something spicy in it - lol

Re: Hot Chocolate Anyone ?

You may just need this then:




Spicy Hot chocolate.


Btw, have you tried chilli chocolate cakes? Or chilli chocolate? It's... different.

Re: Hot Chocolate Anyone ?

Oooo @Faith-and-Hope ,


The above was for you.

Re: Hot Chocolate Anyone ?

Congratulations @Faith-and-Hope 


You are in the west aren’t you ? Low 30 degree next week.




I didn’t sleep last night. So sent you caring thoughts in moving……


Whilst staring at my new quilt Im making……. So much work to do……


Hello @Shaz51 @Appleblossom @tyme @outlander 


Cant believe you moved but isn’t it great to have moved in 

Re: Hot Chocolate Anyone ?


Re: Hot Chocolate Anyone ?

Thanks @tyme 

I haven’t tried chilli hot chocolate, but I have heard of it.


Yes @PeppiPatty it is so good to be moved.  I have been paying rent and storage costs throughout a lengthy court process of toxic divorce.  So good to be in a house that belongs to me.  All my possessions have been junked and jumbled and it will take months to sort it all

out, but I am good at jigsaw puzzles so that’s a good thing.  But first, rest and sleep.  I am exhausted.


@Zoe7 @Appleblossom @Shaz51 @Adge 


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