31-05-2016 08:18 PM
31-05-2016 08:18 PM
31-05-2016 09:10 PM
31-05-2016 09:10 PM
31-05-2016 09:20 PM
31-05-2016 09:20 PM
31-05-2016 10:46 PM
31-05-2016 10:46 PM
31-05-2016 10:59 PM
31-05-2016 10:59 PM
Good for you @Former-Member ❣❣
Both the steps and the 2kg .... Way to go 😊
No, no burnt offerings. It was yummy. Spaghetti. Nothing but comfort food on weeks like this, no Sir-ee !! Comfort food with a good dose of mushrooms and spinach that is ..... ❤️ I'm into real food as much as poss, but we will likely be eating this spaghetti for the next two days (and loving it).
There is something good in black-outs. I think it helps us not to take our modern comforts and technology too much for granted. Makes me think about what life was like as recently as when my mum was a child. We are a quantum-leap generation, for sure 🌸
01-06-2016 08:05 AM
01-06-2016 08:05 AM
Can I make you a coffee this morning @Grace01 ? What is your fave ? 🙂
How diid you go with DOCS yesterday ? I hope you got your message through to them strongly enough that they will leave you alone now....
01-06-2016 08:12 AM
01-06-2016 08:12 AM
Thank YOU! Would love a hot coffee atm!!
It went ok. They interviewed my niece for a while. She cried. ;( Very sad to see.
They are still pressuring me to be her carer and/or try and find someone. I sent an email to my church last night. They need an answer by today. Lots of pressure!! My husband doesnt seem very focused about the whole thing. 😞 He is in contact with me now (by email) but, like his family, doesn't see the urgency of the matter. If my husband was here, we could take care of her together. It's difficult on my own. I have hashimotos as well(and possibly type 1 diabetes(still got to have more tests) but haven't gone back to dr as I have my niece full time(she doesnt go to school. She is aged 12) 😞
DOCS have asked if there is anyone from My husband's father's side of family that can take care of her. So much pressure upon me!!
They need an answer by today. My heart wants to say "yes" but head says, this is not something I can do long-term. I would still have contact with her.
Thanks for your support on the journey.
I am still grieving the loss of my mum and marriage. If I don't take care of me, I don't know what will happen. I am not as strong as everyone thinks I am.
01-06-2016 08:31 AM
01-06-2016 08:31 AM
This is looks too good ! Might have to have one myself ......
Its tough @Grace01, but stick to your convictions. You articulated your reasons to not take on the full-time care of your niece to us here very well. When someone is sitting in front of you trying to convince you otherwise, especially if you are heart-sore over the decision, it can be really rough going, but you know within yourself what is right. Stick with your integrity.
You can be one of the support people in your neice's life, but make it very clear to DOCS that it will sink your boat to take her on fully. That's where letters from medical people are useful back-up. It's letting DOVS know that they can be held liable in your situation if you gave way to their pressure and it ended badly for you and your niece.
This girl needs stability and successful outcomes. You are making it quite clear that you do too. DOCS have to listen to you and respect your needs too. Remember that. That right is yours ! It belongs to you !
Donyour best today to meet that expectation about finding someone else for the role, but you can only tick those boxes, nothing else. Don't feel responsible for the outcome. Contact who you said you would, pass on the message, pass back the message that you contacted the person or people, then you are done. Just a link in the chain, doing your bit, that's all.
Faith and hope @Grace01. Just keep walking in your integrity in faith and hope, and wait for these things to work their results in your life. Send prayers in your neice's direction when and as you can, to help carry her forward. That is something you can do for her. Let go of the rest 💗
01-06-2016 05:37 PM
01-06-2016 05:37 PM
01-06-2016 06:12 PM
01-06-2016 06:12 PM
Hello everyone
cappuccino for me please this time xx
hope everyone had a good day
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