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Looking after ourselves


Coping Strategies that you guys think aren't mentioned as much?

Just curious to pick at everyone's brains here.

Anything you guys use that you think isn't mentioned a lot?

I think one of mine would probably be the use of pressure? I like wrapping my knuckles in fabric firmly. Comforting for me heh


I also like using this website when I can't think as much called 'youfeelllikesh*t' that kinda gives you a good little reminder to check in on basic self care.



Re: Coping Strategies that you guys think aren't mentioned as much?

Hi 👋🏼 @Kriss  Thank you for posting @SmilingGecko @Jynx @Shaz51 or @tyme probably have a list of alternative self soothing hacks.

There is most likely a PDF in the Taking Care of Ourselves thread?

I have ADHD ADD dyslexia and anxiety, my brain gets tired and frequently needs timeout. Rest, movies and as much sleep as I can get.


Re: Coping Strategies that you guys think aren't mentioned as much?

Dear @Kriss 


Thankyou for the message. In the basic self care lesson,🌿😉's like lessons isn't it ? I'm learning all the time. 


I had to pretty much gather together a support group. Paid or work hard at this one. 

My support group starts with 

1.  someone who really cares and loves me 

2. a very good friend. I speak to him a lot. 

3. 2 very good friends I see rarely 

4. My support coordinator at NDIS. 

5. My GP. 

6. Psychotherapist. 


I listened to this for years and years. My listening guided meditation is different now.


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