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Looking after ourselves

Re: Support for L-B

Hi @L-B 


And how does today find you, its hump day so we can roll on down to the weekend which is way more fun.  🙂

Re: Support for L-B

Hi @Asgard , I am off work today as I was sick at work yesterday. Chilling with a cup of tea now.

Re: Support for L-B

I'm sorry to hear @L-B .


Are you feeling any better? I was also a little under the weather today. I think I was stressed out.


Are you better now?

Re: Support for L-B

I've been chilling out this afternoon knowing that leaving my job is an option, though not ideal at all, is one I can choose to take. Hope ur better too @tyme ?

Re: Support for L-B

You're right. Ultimately, your health is of utmost importance. @L-B 


I hope you get the support you need at the moment.

Re: Support for L-B

Sage words @tyme .

Re: Support for L-B

Hi @L-B 


Sorry to hear that, hope you are on the mend today.  And that goes for you too @tyme 


I have builders banging away from 8am-4pm for the past 2 weeks, and boy do jack hammers make everything vibrate.  They are having smoko now - so I have 15 muns of peace.  Anywats hope you both are feeling better........Asgard

Re: Support for L-B

Heya @Asgard ! Great to see you around 🙂


Life is life. Just keeps going and so do we.


I heard this amazing quote today "Don't compare yourself to others. There's no comparison between the sun and the moon. They both shine when it's time."


How awesome is that? This quote carried me through today.


Hope you are well @L-B !

Re: Support for L-B

Hi @tyme , @Asgard have been telling myself to relax every time I notice I'm stressing and it's been working for me! Mind you I must have told myself hundreds of times but if it works I'm happy. 😀

Re: Support for L-B

Way to go! Keep doing what works for you. @L-B 


Also, continue to practice deep breathing and pause in between each breath. You'll be surprised at how it can change the way your body feels.


So proud of you!

Illustration of people sitting and standing

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