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Re: My Hospital Stay

Hugs @utopia 💟💟
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Re: My Hospital Stay

Hugs @utopia 

Hope you get a dreamless sleep tonight and are ok. I'm glad that the psychiatrist has what sounds like a good plan. here with you, 



Re: My Hospital Stay

HeartAw @utopia


It sounds terrible - I have never had to de-tox but it sounds like a nightmare - no wonder you feel so crappy


I missed one of my slow-release pain killers a while back - I had written it in my notebook but when I went to take my night dose the morning dose was still there - not good. All day long I felt like something from the living dead as well as having super-terrible back pain I felt like I was coming apart - if de-toxing is anything like that - and I imagine it's worse - I am glad I am a social drinker


Not at all virtuous - that's just the way I am - but I got a bit tiddly on holidays once - the cocktail I only had half of was much too strong - I think I had a good time in the lounge but then - maybe other people wondered about me - when I went outside to go to my cabin I fell backwards in the snow looking at the stars - ah - embarrassing - no one saw -


But I get it - I do understand Utopia


So I guess you have to take the tablets prn if you can because you know how you feel - but as my son was an alcoholic I have read a bit about the subject and yeah - enough said - all but for the grace of God etc


It's a good idea to write your journal - oh gee - waking up to see your psychiatrist sitting at the end of your bed - mmmmm - sounds really cool - that never happened to me


I read what you wrote about the public/private system and work cover on another thread - forget where - but I am glad you are in a private hospital - the public system might help some I would imagine - terribly under-funded though - hang on - I am rephrasing that [rephrased]


You are in my thoughts with the de-toxing Utopia - don't worry about quitting just yet - one thing at a time - I have quit - sometimes it takes more than one effort - I can really hold your hand with that one



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Re: My Hospital Stay

Hey @utopia,

thinking of you. I went home last night from hospital, the worst of my SI had finally passed and it was safe to come home again. I had a wobbly first night home but I'm ok. Thinking of you today. I hope the withdrawal is easier today. You've got this. Here for you💜😘

sending you big hugs 💜🤗IMG_3920.JPG



thanks too for your hugs hugs and warm wishes @Queenie,

hoping things improve for you a bit. I know you have lots of stuff going on for you too.

sending hugs your way too (cat hugs for you too)


just wanted to tag @Zoe7 just in case you've missed this thread. I know you are struggling immensely too and may not be in a place to be here. Thinking of you too.IMG_3900.JPG


Re: My Hospital Stay

Oh @Former-Member Thankyou so much. I did not know about this thread at all so I am really pleased you tagged me in. I really don't know what is going on for everyone around the forum - been sticking close to home (Am Not Coping) and not venturing too far away - so haven't picked up on how you were travelling - sending you huge hugs - would have been there for you if I'd know (but I know you would know that) - sorry Teej Heart 

Re: My Hospital Stay

hugs @utopia HeartHeart

Hugs @Former-Member HeartHeart

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Re: My Hospital Stay

Please don't be sorry @Zoe7. I haven't been able to support you much happens. Sending you best wishes. 💜🤗

Re: My Hospital Stay

Yeah @Former-Member it does! I know you are always in the background - where ever you are - and that alone is support enough Heart 

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Re: My Hospital Stay

Hi @utopia - hope you are doing well. Awesome that it is under workcover insurance too - won't cost you a cent. Treat the place like a hotel - take it easy and enjoy the break from the real world, you deserve it. Good luck finding sane people to talk to. I've had to go into psych hospitals for work and telling the staff from the patients was a challenge. Easiest way I found was if they had a wristband they were a patient and if they had a lanyard they were staff. Although after talking to the staff sometimes I wondered if maybe they should have had the wristband instead Smiley Very Happy

Re: My Hospital Stay

Hiya @utopia I have just read all this thread thanks to @Former-Member alerting me to it. I was getting a little concerned that I hadn't heard from you but now I know it was just me not knowing where you were posting. I can keep up with how you are going now and send you lots and lots of hugs and love from here...

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