Senior Contributor

Giving up on our dreams, not knowing how worth it we are.

Hi in this society, day in age. We forget about ourselves. Giving up on our hopes and dreams.  Not seeing the worth we are.


I guess that part of looking after ourselves, what are our aspirations. What moves you. How do you see yourself in the future. When I thought about having dreams, I first didn't take much notice that not important. But it great importance.


Re: Giving up on our dreams, not knowing how worth it we are.

Hi @TinTin1 ,


You've raised some important questions there. Let's wait to hear what the community says. I look forward to reading everyone's responses.

Re: Giving up on our dreams, not knowing how worth it we are.

@TinTin1 & @tyme 

I’m a pragmatic person and I’m very conscious of the Dunning-Kruger effect in application to my skills.

This occurs when a person's lack of knowledge and skill in a certain area causes them to overestimate their own competence.

I never let my ambitions get confused with my abilities.

I hope my future holds a Lotto win.


Re: Giving up on our dreams, not knowing how worth it we are.

I used to be the former - giving up hopes and dreams for the sake of others.


Nowadays, I don't really care. I've decided it's about knowing my worth before trying to please anyone else. @TinTin1 @Glisten 

Re: Giving up on our dreams, not knowing how worth it we are.

Hello Tin Tin1, 


Indeed dreams in a world full of much worry can maybe be seen as not important, or grander than ever possible in a advanced costly society. 


Although as you point out dreams are important as they may be that quiet calling that gets us out of bed in the morning with a reason to wake up. 


I hope you have the space to make for dreams be they tiny wonders or adventure. 


Warmest wishes Fern7




Re: Giving up on our dreams, not knowing how worth it we are.



i love your question! 


Giving up on our dreams, not knowing how worth it we are....or is it

Not feeling worthy to receive what we are dreaming for?

Just in case....I might start by dreaming about being worthy enough to dream for the stars! 😍


What I have been dreaming about is a world of kindness and compassion, where everyone feels that they belong to family, community, and to nature and Mother Earth....I dream to live in a place where we all matter, and can feel that we make a difference by being who we are!


Am I worthy of that life??? YES!!!


What are your dreams?



Re: Giving up on our dreams, not knowing how worth it we are.



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You can also click the tick box above "Email me when someone replies" if you want to receive all replies.

Re: Giving up on our dreams, not knowing how worth it we are.

Hi @TinTin1 


From my perspective, having a dream (or dreams) gives me something to aspire to. In this sense, dreams are perhaps best described as 'visual representations' of a more desired life.


I use the following quotes as motivators for my transitional career goal of opening a counselling practice by year's end. I hope that you find the quotes equally inspiring.


"If you can dream it, you can do it' (Walt Disney).


"Its never to late to be what you might have been" (George Elliot).


"Don't let anyone tell you what you can't do. Follow your dreams and persist" (Barack Obama).


"Don't let yesterday take up too much of today" (Will Rogers).


"The only limit to the realisation of tomorrow will be our doubts of today" (Franklin D. Roosevelt).



Re: Giving up on our dreams, not knowing how worth it we are.



Love this! Truly profound way of looking at the question.


....dreams are important as they may be that quiet calling that gets us out of bed in the morning with a reason to wake up.

Re: Giving up on our dreams, not knowing how worth it we are.

My dreams, I use to want to have a great corporate job title have good living etc

Yeah that would be great. I still want that. But now just have the simple things to make me happy. Being married having a wholesome future. And seeing people happy.


And don't give up on hope. Eventhough there alot of bad happening around us there always good.


Seeing the sun shining, children having fun.



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