Re: Living with Ourselves


I just noticed that our avatars are the same colour...

I had not realised that you too bear the bleak former member avatar...

I know that you would have had valid reasons ..

so important that you feel safe...

from reading your posts I have felt that you talk of your self ..your thoughts...

this would not indicate who you are to anyone...

if you do still feel the same way talk about this with your therapist...someone whom you trust..

keep on posting on here with a much as you want to say...

loved your poetry xx

Re: Living with Ourselves


I read about your experience with chamomile tea on the other thread..

have you tried it with a little honey....if you normally use sugar 

I drink it all of the time...I find it also helps with my anxiety...agitation...I don't have sugar

for me it is a substitute for tea or coffee...

the other thing is make it very weak to begin with if you want to persevere....I make about 3 drinks from one bag...not because I am extra frugal laugh...I prefer it weaker as it is quite flowery...

green tea is another one...again weak...if you use sweeteners...honey..

my sister was after lengthy tests etc diagnosed with lactose intolerance initially...later gluten intolerance as well....

some people have an intolerance of fructose and sucrose which is in just about everything ready made..along with a zillion chemicals..

not a pleasant thought for arduous task having to keep a record of reactions to whatever foods as well..

you are probably tired of all of the suggestions that go along with having an allergy to something/somethings...

take care

Re: Living with Ourselves

Haha I have just been ranked up to casual contributor...

Re: Living with Ourselves

Yeah @Sophia1, I change my avatar when I get bored of it thinking of using one of me baby animal pics

Re: Living with Ourselves

sounds like a plan @NameUnknown

might work as a distraction...possibly even an uplift in mood...

Re: Living with Ourselves

@Sophia1 Sophia1 green pea has a shiny sparkle in her eye now. ๐Ÿ™‚ xx

Re: Living with Ourselves

Look at you go casual contributor already @Sophia1 i also love your new name too. Can i ask the name of your avatar the lion thingy....

Thank you for the suggestions ive still got heaps of tea bags and honey so will give it another go.
No we havent even explored allergies yet. They are thinking an ulcer but havent said anything else yet. I see gp on monday so will talk more about chest pain as well. I need to talk about another issue ive been having too when i see my women's nurse too.

How are you going?

Re: Living with Ourselves

@Sophia1Your new name really suits you. Glad you have not left. Good Luck with medical stuff.

@outlanderI thought exploring allergies would have been the first port of call with persistent tummy problems. Is your mother not into naturopaths etc?

Re: Living with Ourselves

Going through a thread of mine and I think I know who you are now ๐Ÿ˜ƒ
Welcome back I missed seeing the pics you put up on my happy thread

Re: Living with Ourselves

My mother dosesnt know half of it @Appleblossom she really doesnt care so i just deal with it myself. Theres nothing specific causing thr pain thats prob why allergies havent been looked at yet. Thank you though โค

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