Re: Tabaluga's

@TAB   your Perf friend is an idiot 😂BAHAHA.

Re: Tabaluga's

Horse would clear those weeds up nice and quick @TAB 


Llllllawn mower ? 


Have you become famous yet ? Iv been checking.......


@Glisten is the super fixer upper. Can you begin our own exclusive high school that we enjoy attending. 

Idea for high school name - 


Sir Arthur Sane 


Same Merlin 


Whaddya think 🤔


@Glisten @StuF @Meowmy @Dreamy @Ocean2 @Tilz  Recording // Mental Health Webinar 8 // The Power in Lived Experience in Mental Health 


Senior Contributor

Re: Tabaluga's

she is a nice enough person and also hot @Glisten  just a bit .. well , challenged .. on some topics...

Re: Tabaluga's

I just copied that message to be put in to my favourite writings 



I enjoy going to hospital because I can avoid doing things I don't want to do........


It's not easy being green....

Senior Contributor

Re: Tabaluga's

yes, have blabbed  will try to pretend it did not happen

Hope yr surgery goes okay, Ms



Re: Tabaluga's

@PeppyPatti  only a High School, not University?

There is only one name for a place of education that you would attend is Aladdin Sane 


Senior Contributor

Re: Tabaluga's "Diamond Dogs" is a 1974 single by David Bowie, and the title track of the album of the same name. The lyric introduces the listener to Bowies latest persona and his environment; Halloween Jack dwells on top of tenement

Re: Tabaluga's

@TAB Tada 🙌🏼 🫱🏼 Diamond Dogs.

Knew I could count on you 😜lol


Senior Contributor

Re: Tabaluga's


@Glisten  many seen article

phps ask s/o else


Re: Tabaluga's

You mean 


You mean ......

She was cheating on her husband @TAB ??

And she went to high school with you ?


@ENKELI @Glisten @Jacques @StuF @Meowmy Re: Good Morning a box cracked an egg on my head once. 


I so hated school but no teachers wanted to punch me. I pretty much wagged high school. My high school isn't there anymore but was Hollywood high school. 


Omg......she cheated on her husband .....

Did she say anything about being a b....... at high school to you ? 

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