
Constant sadness

Hi there,

I’m wondering if anyone else feels the same way that I do, that life is so incredibly hard and sad that they’ll never find a way out?

Am I alone in feeling this way?

Sometimes I feel so sad and lonely that I can’t find a way to move forward. It’s such a horrible feeling and I can’t even put it in words. 🌻


Re: Constant sadness

Hi @GhostGirl123  you are not alone. 🖐 me too thinks same sometimes. But do you know it makes me stronger too. Think being alone and fighting alone for all battles. No one can do such things. It happens sometimes. So lets keep fighting.. Just dont keep on thinking about it. If you do so , it will really hurts. Find out a best way to forget it. We hold with you.❤️

Re: Constant sadness

Hey @GhostGirl123 ,


I can relate and can attest that you are certainly not alone in how you are feeling. I can recall so clearly that I lived years in this deep dark hole and I didn't see a way out. 


When I look back, I realise that when I was ready, things began to fall in place. It wasn't easy, but I had to take ownership of it and do something about it.


Recovery is possible. Hope is what keeps us going. 


By connecting with others and hearing the stories of other members, hopefully you will be able to see that everyone is own their own journey. There is no right or wrong in how we feel throughout the journey.


We are here for you.

Re: Constant sadness

Hi @GhostGirl123 


Certainly feel the same way, you are not alone.

Sometimes I feel like there is no way out, that I have to accept who I am now is who I am going to be forever.

It is so hard to sit with those feelings day in day out.


Have you got any supports in place?

Re: Constant sadness

You're not alone, and it won't last forever. Sending hugs - I know how awful this feels.

Re: Constant sadness

Hey @GhostGirl123 .


I am sad to say, that I do feel the same as you. Everything feels like it's "work". I don't mean employment sort of work, but just that everything is difficult and too hard.


Apparently I need more joy in my life, and more fun!


My psychologist encourages me to do things that I used to enjoy. I used to like movies, but now...


Watching movies is now part of my psychological homework. Exposure therapy! I hope to be able to watch something that doesn't reduce me to sobbing or infuriates me because of my experiences in the past, at least one day. How can that be fun? (rhetorical). All these happy endings!!! My life has never had happy endings! I get angry, jealous and resentful of people who have any fun and joy in their lives. I don't like that about myself, but that is supposed to be a step forward in my therapy. To feel anger about the things that were done to me, rather than depressed and submissive.


So fun and joy are very difficult to make happen. 


@GhostGirl123 are there any things, big or miniscule, that you can identify as a glimmer of positivity? A glimmer, a moment of something that is pleasant and possibly something to anticipate. I am using a gratitude app on my phone to mark down anything, however insignificant, that is remotely pleasant. It's something that I can read back when I need reminding that it isn't 100% bad. I am starting small, because I don't want to feel like I have more hard things that I have to do. Today's glimmer for me, was seeing sunshine and enjoying the warmth of it. 99.9% of my day feels terrible, but that 0.1% gives me hope. I hope that I didn't stir things up more for you by relating and ranting about myself. I'm hoping that this last paragraph is more helpful. Not even sure whether you want advice, or just to be heard and validated. I have heard that you are feeling hopeless about ever feeling better and life being easier. 🙂



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