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Something’s not right

Re: I can't anymore..

I’m listening @Strange 

Re: I can't anymore..

Heya, hope you're well.why can't I be okay 😕

Re: I can't anymore..

Hi @Strange 



Re: I can't anymore..

I’m doing ok this evening @Strange . I’m sorry things aren’t so good for you.

Do you want to chat or sit with us.

Hi @Anastasia 

Re: I can't anymore..

@Eve7 @am trying so hard to get better

but I don't seem to be getting anywhe


Re: I can't anymore..

I sometimes feel like that when I do all the self care etc and still feel low and miserable. That’s really hard for you then but it’s good that you’re making an effort @Strange 

Don’t give up, you’re important.

Re: I can't anymore..

Uh Huh. Ok.

Re: I can't anymore..

I dunno I always get on too late to talk to sane counselling which kinda help. Lifeline and Beyondblue are bad..

Re: I can't anymore..

Haha on the bright side, you know exactly where to go if you need more mental disturbance in your life!


They are objectively terrible. It'd be funny if it weren't so awful.

Re: I can't anymore..

Would it help to stop trying to "get better"? No, I'm not talking about letting the demons eat you whole. What about working with the assumption that you are absolutely fine as you are even if you feel every shade of terrible and unworthy? Trying to get better puts a lot of pressure on whatever you're doing to feel good at the end of it. Screw that; you're already distressed enough without that pressure. Just go through the healthy motions for the hell of it and see how you go. Forget the outcome, just engage in the process - and if you do that once and fail to do it a billion times, then that'll be one time you wouldn't have done it otherwise!

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