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Mum w/ mental illness overseas

My older mum is diving in squalid conditions overseas in a COVID hotspot. I'm working on hoarding-related issues from over here to try to get her some help. It's life threatening for her. In the meantime, I have a full-time job, have my child homecoming, and my partner told me he's not in love with me anymore. It has been the most horrible day and week. I'm broken. I lie here and cry and cry, and my partner ignores it. I'm so broken. 


Re: Mum w/ mental illness overseas

It takes so long to get a response @BabyHowYaFeelin  so I'm going to talk to myself like a friend would. All the therapist types say to do that....

*crickets* Is that the sound of nothingness? HA!! Watdoyaknow?!?! That's how a friend would talk to me. It turns out that many Aussies want to be your mate when you're doing really well but not so much when things get tough. 

Re: Mum w/ mental illness overseas

Amazing! @BabyHowYaFeelin Yep, eat some concrete and harden the eff up. Keep going. Keep going. Keep going. Push all those feelings down. Nobody is there to listen anyway. 

Re: Mum w/ mental illness overseas

Don't be a victim @BabyHowYaFeelin  Thsts way unattractive. Instead, you just need to know that you suck at life! It's not your fault that you're a fruitcake! 

Re: Mum w/ mental illness overseas

Don't you just love that little ding sour that someone has replied to your post?!? Incredible! You can give that excitement to your own self. How good is that?!?? @BabyHowYaFeelin you aren't alone. You have yourself to talk to. They always say that the best help is at the end of your arms!! Go on and git it, Gurl!!  

Re: Mum w/ mental illness overseas

THIS. ALL OF THIS. @BabyHowYaFeelin  what are you going to do tomorrow? I highly recommend talking to yourself. It's the new normal. 

Re: Mum w/ mental illness overseas

I have sent you an email checking in.

Re: Mum w/ mental illness overseas

Hey @BabyHowYaFeelin,  

It sounds like you're dealing with an enormous amount of pain and stress right now. It was very courageous of you to reach out here, but it sounds like originally posting on the forums just made you feel more unheard. Please be aware that sometimes it does take time for a post to get replies, for many reasons. If you feel comfortable please feel free to give the forums a go again, or introduce yourself here with three random facts.

Take care 🌻 

Re: Mum w/ mental illness overseas

Yikes @BabyHowYaFeelin 

That is a lot of grief you have at present.

Re: Mum w/ mental illness overseas

I know this is from a while ago but I hope you were able to have some resolution or progress on these issues. I’ve been trying to help my mum on hoarding and squalor for over two decades now and it’s utterly exhausting and not at all linear progress. I’ve organized a forensic clean soon and am going to attending Buried in Treasures family as motivators support group soon. Although my mum has always had this problem, she is actually just getting too old and unwell to do any form of cleaning so She’s getting an ACAT assessment and I hope this means (post forensic clean) she’ll eventually have an aged care package which includes cleaning support

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