Re: My special place

Yeah the appt. was triggering today @NatureLover They are not always like that. Sometimes I walk away from them feeling tired but happy with the progress I made. Today was just not one of those days.

Just been a hard day overall. Doesn't help with what I have done.


That is a lot of money for a 1/2 hour appt. No wonder lots don't seek help.

Re: My special place

Anyone around?

Re: My special place

Yeah @Snowie 

Re: My special place

I just need some company

Re: My special place

I’m not much but I’m here

Re: My special place

Thanks @Captain24 

Have you done much today?

Re: My special place

I took the dogs to the doggy park with my parents. @Snowie. It was a bit warm for them so they just all wandered around. It was a waste of time really but at least I left the house. 


What about you? 

Re: My special place

At least you got out of the house @Captain24 Better than nothing.

I'm sure the dogs would have liked it.


I had my psych this morning. Came home and went to bed. Only got out because I had to pick S up from school and make tea.

Re: My special place

They did Pix had an enjoyable time and she usually hates the dog park. @Snowie 


Not a good psych appointment? 


Ive been in bed since 4 and im still here. I do need to feed the dogs though 

Re: My special place

No not a good one @Captain24 Got triggered but ran out of time to talk about it.


Sometimes bed is our best friend. Was under my weighted blanket.

Have made it to the couch for now. At least the dishes are done.


Have you got anything on tomorrow?






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