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Something’s not right

Re: My special place

Sorry things are so rough @Snowie  are you snuggled up with your blanket and doggo? 

Re: My special place

@Bow no. The dog is giving me the cold shoulder tonight. Don't blame her.


@Jynx Had psych today. Told her most. She let me leave. WC called, got knocked back. I spoke to LL. Cant keep my word.



Re: My special place

Big emotional day for you then @Snowie that's rough. Can I just clarify what WC and LL stand for? 

Re: My special place

WC work cover

LL life line



Re: My special place

What does that mean for your ongoing treatment @Snowie  if WC has knocked you back?

Re: My special place

Thanks @Snowie - oof, yeah that's a kick in the teeth. Can I ask hun if 'not keeping your word' is about feeling unable to keep yourself safe tonight? Was the LL call a lucrative one or not so much? Sending hugs to ya darlin 🫂

Re: My special place

@Bow got knocked back over the last request my pdoc put in. Now he has to dispute it, but his away for another 3 weeks, so nothing till then.



Re: My special place

LL helped at the time @Jynx

Hubby is home so I've got no choice to be safe.

I can't really say anything else on here


Re: My special place

@Snowie thanks for letting me know hun. I can imagine that despite the physical safety, the feeling of being psychologically unsafe is still incredibly overwhelming. Like... 'safe, but not by choice' is a rough spot to be. 


Would some distracty chats be helpful? Or you could vent it all out over in the Worry Room

Re: My special place

@Jynx I just need to vent it out.

Thanks for everything 

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