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Something’s not right

Re: My special place

Think I will be in bed very soon @Captain24 Izzy is already there waiting for me!

Are you back in bed now?

Re: My special place

I’m just getting them to go to the toilet and then I’m getting back in. @Snowie

Now they have decided to be friends and play! That shouldn’t last long. 

TW: Self-harm

Content/trigger warning
I did hurt myself though. I couldn’t control it. I feel so ashamed. I’m sorry. But I guess at least that’s it.


I can’t take my night meds though. 


Re: My special place

Thank you @Snowie. I’m in bed now. I just have to stay here and fight the urge. I appreciate you waiting for me. 

I hope you are able to sleep better tonight than you have been. 

Thank you..

Re: My special place

Don't be ashamed @Captain24 I did earlier today. It is what it is.


I hope you are able to get some sleep tonight too.

Thank you for keeping me company tonight. I really appreciate it especially since you are hurting so much yourself.

Re: My special place

Sorry @Snowie. I ended up turning it around onto myself. Some support person I am. 

Re: My special place

No need to be sorry @Captain24 

Sometimes that support needs to go both ways.

We can always offer support at the same time as needing help too.


Re: My special place

@Captain24  Sorry to hear you're struggling so much. I'm curious - why can't you take your night meds? 

Re: My special place

@Snowie  That's not good that you were triggered but left hanging in your psych appt yesterday.


How are you feeling today? 

Re: My special place

Hey @NatureLover. Because I wouldn’t have taken them correctly..


Hey @Snowie 


I hope today is reasonable for you

Re: My special place

I did wonder if that was what you meant, @Captain24 . 


How did you sleep without them?

Illustration of people sitting and standing

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