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Join us for our online mindfulness group // Tues 31st March, 7-8pm AEDT // Guest facilitator: Smiling Mind

March TT Partners (4).png


On March 31st we will be running a one hour online event with a totally different approach 😍 Alongside @Former-Member and @SmilingMind we will be running a live group mindfulness exercise between 7-8pm AEDT. 

Mindfulness meditation has been proven to improve our concentration and reduce ruminative thinking that contributes to the high levels of stress. Within our own community and the broader community mindfulness is a valuable tool to employ, we look forward to implementing it together - right here in this thread! 


Want to receive an email reminder on the night? Hit the 'Support' (thumbs up) button below.



I'm new here - what is the event about?

This online shared event intends to bring together people living with complex mental health issues and their carers in an online setting, ensuring we are collaboratively allowing time for ourselves (and our minds) away from the stressors of our recovery journey. Check back soon for more info on the format!


How do I get involved?

Conscious Mindfulness takes place right here! It's text based, so no software is needed. During the session, to keep up with the latest posts hit the 'refresh' button on your browser for the latest posts (it doesn't automatically update). Keep an eye for page numbers at the top & bottom of the page, and jump to the highest page number for the most recent post.


Throughout the session, the facilitator will put discussion points and questions out for you to consider, usually asking for your own experience on the topic. To contribute to the session, just hit the 'reply' button and share your thoughts. No answers are right or wrong and everyone is welcome to get involved.


What time does this event start in my timezone?

  • AEDT- 7pm
  • AEST- 6pm
  • ACDT- 6:30pm
  • ACST- 5:30pm
  • WST- 4pm

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Re: Join us for our online mindfulness group // Tues 31st March, 7-8pm AEDT // Guest facilitator: Smiling Mind

Hello @Former-Member @DrZoidberg @Former-Member @Hallorina @Shaz51 @Former-Member @Nyo @frog @eth @Mazarita @MojoMouse @BlueBay @Snowie 

An update 😍

There has been a swap out and our wonderful friends at @SmilingMind Will be co-facilitating this event on Tuesday! Our friends at One Door Mental Health will be joining in next month! So we get two super awesome special guests supporting us in our mindfulness journey.


Catch you and @SmilingMind here next week for our new one hour event Smiley Very Happy

Re: Join us for our online mindfulness group // Tues 31st March, 7-8pm AEDT // Guest facilitator: Smiling Mind

Firstly! A special welcome to the wonderful people who wanted a reminder of tonight's event 💯🎉


@Reltubs @jamesvre @Chappy0401 @awholelattelana @alk3305 @CheerBear @G-3 @Eartha @Butterfly63 @LauraM @Ickle69 @Windflowers @Jesankar @Dadcaringalone @DrZoidberg @Former-Member @Shaz51 @Nyo @Mazarita @eth @MojoMouse @BlueBay @Former-Member @Snowie @Hallorina @Former-Member @frog 

And to all other guests popping by, welcome to SANE Forums first ever Online Mindfulness event! Tonight’s event will be text based. This means that everything will be run right here in this thread Smiley Very Happy Remember to refresh your browser every few minutes to see new posts, and be sure to hit reply to others posts to get involved in the discussion too!

Whilst everyone settles in I wanted to introduce our wonderful guest @SmilingMind. Smiling Mind is an Australian based app, and is now considered to be one of the world leaders in the pre-emptive mental health space, and Australia’s go-to expert for youth-based mindfulness programs. Smiling Mind continuously pioneer innovative ways to support good mental health and wellbeing across the community.


If everyone could ensure they are in a quiet and safe space, and are ready to meditate that would be great! We will be sharing a link very soon to the Smiling Mind Meditation we will all be doing before the questions kick off. Whilst I get this set up, our wonderful guest Catherine from @SmilingMind will introduce herself 😄


Re: Join us for our online mindfulness group // Tues 31st March, 7-8pm AEDT // Guest facilitator: Smiling Mind

Thanks @Former-Member ! 


Hi everyone! It’s such a pleasure to be here with you all this evening. Thank you so much for having me! I’m a content developer and facilitator at Smiling Mind and am also a psychologist. My favourite thing about both of my roles is that I get to share mindfulness, something I’m passionate about, and see the positive impact on so many people’s lives. I have meditated regularly for over 20 years and am so grateful to have this practice in my life. It has helped me, and continues to, in so many different ways. In addition to being a trained meditation teacher I am also a qigong (pronounced ‘chee-gung’) teacher. Qigong is beautiful and supportive mindful movement practice that has its origins in Traditional Chinese Medicine (similar to Tai Chi which more people tend to have heard of). I also love hiking and try to get out into nature as often as I can.


I’m really looking forward to tonight’s event. In the midst of such an unprecedented and challenging time for each and every one of us, I believe that we need mindfulness now more than ever. I hope you take something useful away from this session this evening that will help support you during this challenging time as well as into the future. 

Re: Join us for our online mindfulness group // Tues 31st March, 7-8pm AEDT // Guest facilitator: Smiling Mind

HEy @SmilingMind and @Former-Member  back again.

really need a meditation tonight!!

Re: Join us for our online mindfulness group // Tues 31st March, 7-8pm AEDT // Guest facilitator: Smiling Mind

Welcome @Former-Member , thanks for joining! 

Re: Join us for our online mindfulness group // Tues 31st March, 7-8pm AEDT // Guest facilitator: Smiling Mind

Hi @Former-Member @SmilingMind looking forward to it


Re: Join us for our online mindfulness group // Tues 31st March, 7-8pm AEDT // Guest facilitator: Smiling Mind

Welcome @Former-Member! @SmilingMind thank you so much for the intro, lots of different skills you possess, we are very lucky to have you here 🙂 


We only have an hour tonight so we will kick off soon, I can see a few people hitting support ready to go. Please say hi if you're here, I will be sharing a link to our meditation in two minutes! 😄 

Re: Join us for our online mindfulness group // Tues 31st March, 7-8pm AEDT // Guest facilitator: Smiling Mind

Welcome @Snowie 🙂 Looking forward to meditating with you, and then a debrief after 🙂 

Re: Join us for our online mindfulness group // Tues 31st March, 7-8pm AEDT // Guest facilitator: Smiling Mind

Hiya, looking forward to the session!

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