Re: Topic Tuesday // Is mental health more challenging for men? // 20 June, 7pm AEST

You're right @Glen-MensLineAu, that mental health can be challenging for us all at times.  But picking up on @Shaz51's point about her husband feeling the pressure to provide.  Do you think this is a factor in men's struggles?

Re: Topic Tuesday // Is mental health more challenging for men? // 20 June, 7pm AEST

Hello @Glen-MensLineAu, @Former-Member

Yes mr shaz feels like he is a disappointment

Re: Topic Tuesday // Is mental health more challenging for men? // 20 June, 7pm AEST

My yes was in answer to the first question - Is mental health more challenging for men. My special interest is that I'm male - although I'm equally interested in women's health & well-being challenges.

Re: Topic Tuesday // Is mental health more challenging for men? // 20 June, 7pm AEST

Thanks for joining us @redheaded.  Can I ask what you're thinking about in terms of the particular challenges that men face?

Re: Topic Tuesday // Is mental health more challenging for men? // 20 June, 7pm AEST

hello @Adge, @redheaded 

Re: Topic Tuesday // Is mental health more challenging for men? // 20 June, 7pm AEST

I think that's an interesting point @Adge about isolation.  It can be very undermining of our mental health.  Do you find that coming through on MensLine @Glen-MensLineAu?

Re: Topic Tuesday // Is mental health more challenging for men? // 20 June, 7pm AEST

Hello 👋

Re: Topic Tuesday // Is mental health more challenging for men? // 20 June, 7pm AEST

@Former-Member there's society constructs how men have to be strong and can't show emotion. We get told we are weak if we open up about mh, and people tend to think men with mental health are violent

Re: Topic Tuesday // Is mental health more challenging for men? // 20 June, 7pm AEST

Perhaps @Determined has an opinion on this topic too. I think men are less likely to seek help as society's stereotype doesn't necessarily allow for them to do so. 

You only have to look at men when they are out shopping. They will rarely ask for assistance in finding what they are want.  

Re: Topic Tuesday // Is mental health more challenging for men? // 20 June, 7pm AEST

That's sad to hear @Shaz51.  Is that related to how his illness has made it hard to provide?  It sounds to me like you both work very hard.  But he wishes he could do more?

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