Re: Topic Tuesday // Is mental health more challenging for men? // 20 June, 7pm AEST

I think men are less likely to seek help --- that very true @soul

Re: Topic Tuesday // Is mental health more challenging for men? // 20 June, 7pm AEST

Welcome @Former-Member and @soul.  Yes, there's also the classic stereotype about men being unwilling to ask for directions.  That must play through in terms of general help-seeking.  My partner has some mental health challenges and he'll go so far as to talk to his GP but won't go near a Counsellor.  And I'm a Psychologist 🙂  There's probably an insult in there somewhere!

Re: Topic Tuesday // Is mental health more challenging for men? // 20 June, 7pm AEST

For sure. That is actually a really common example of the type of stuff that men tend to worry about when they're not feeling 100% with their mental health. We're talking about literally thousands of years that men have been feeling these expectations to be the provider and to be the one that everyone can depend on. That's how things have been done for most of time until about 70 years ago really. That's why we've gotta just slowly chip away at those concepts...Because they're just not real. Yes, everyone has responsibilities...But the human being also matters too, not just what's expected of them. But the best advise that anyone ever shared with me about men seeking help is...A man is most effective in the role of being the provider when he's at his best; healthy and well. So rather than going along and not addressing this issue and seeing things worsen, the better option is to acknowledge that theres issues there to be worked through in order to get back to wellness...back to your best. Then, in fact, we're more effective generally at doing all those things like being the provider because we've addressed the issue rather than just ignoring it and pressing on. It's really important to accept all the help that is out there when addressing mental health...sounds like there's progress...just gotta keep going.

Re: Topic Tuesday // Is mental health more challenging for men? // 20 June, 7pm AEST

My father has the same routine every day... So to work, come home drunk, drink some more & then go straight to bed.. If that isn't depressing that I don't know what is.

My father and I have a tough relationship too.. I found him cheating on my Mother with multiple women and then something else - quite illegal - which I don't feel comfortable discussing so openly.

He hasn't ever seeked help for being an alcoholic.. and maybe it is easier for men to latch onto alcohol as a coping method.. There are many sterotypes of what we think men should be like. And although those stereotypes should really be gone, they aren't. Females also have stereotypes.

But I have delt with many males in my life who haven't felt comfortable talking about their feelings, as they are fixed with those stereotypes and being the "alfa male"

Re: Topic Tuesday // Is mental health more challenging for men? // 20 June, 7pm AEST

Things do seem to be improving though with increased awareness of mental health issues amongst men, especially when high profile males go public about their struggles or unfortunately end up in tragic circumstances. 

Re: Topic Tuesday // Is mental health more challenging for men? // 20 June, 7pm AEST

Linking illness to violence is such a mistake isn't it @redheaded.  In reality people with mental illness are more likely to be victims of violence than to hurt anyone else.  But where that stigma exists it'll stop men from putting up their hands for help.

Re: Topic Tuesday // Is mental health more challenging for men? // 20 June, 7pm AEST

@Glen-MensLineAu, @Former-Member

my husband has had lots and lots of jobs which has failed because of his MI

then we decided to go self employed , we are on a very low income because sometimes i have to rearrange jobs and ring cusomers that we can`t come today which upset him but we have good customers

we have had to cut back on work many times

Re: Topic Tuesday // Is mental health more challenging for men? // 20 June, 7pm AEST

Yes, the Buddy Franklin and Grant Hacket effect @soul.  Just to mention two.  I'm always so pleased when high profile sports people in particular talk publically.  It makes it more possible for others to disclose even within that macho culture.

Re: Topic Tuesday // Is mental health more challenging for men? // 20 June, 7pm AEST

Statistics even show that men have a higher rate of suicide then women -- Due to lack of reaching out for support. Suicide is preventable though sufficent, effective treatment & help. Maybe that is something they could be lacking??

Re: Topic Tuesday // Is mental health more challenging for men? // 20 June, 7pm AEST

Yes seeking help & support is hard. Perhaps I do that less than I could (or am somewhat reluctant).

However, I have reached out many times, & the response has more often been cold & disinterested (not here, in the general community). I'm told that I'm very self-aware, yet that is not enough.

People need people, for good mental health, I believe. I see a psychologist, & it's something that I consider to be necessary & helpful.

However my experiences with psychologists of different genders has been very different. So that is something that I need to consider carefully before going to a psychologist (or seeking help).

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