Re: I can't anymore..

@Maggie I can't go to gp alone, phone phobia.. struggling with depression, hurting self and eating problems for over 10 years. Live with Bf says If I'm that selfish to go off self. Father Alzheimeree.. cried out to coworkers months ago they tried to commit me then called cops.. They ignore since.. lifeline called cops months ago too ambo go so nothing not sure how to help self when I can't alone and no one will help??

Re: I can't anymore..

@Rothman  Do you have an Supports in place, like support worker who might help you to get to a dr. I know there are some on the forums who have a plan. I’ll tag @eth  


Its my understanding, that workers are provided to take you to places, and give you support. Anyway, I’ll leave the explanation up to @eth .


For now, I just want to,let you know we are here for you. You are not alone here. Sending warm thoughts. 💕💕

Re: I can't anymore..

@Maggie no idea what a support worker is, sorry 😞


Boyfriend & coworkers tell me to be a big girl go myself but I just.. I can't I'm scared, I lie.. that's why I needed someone familiar with my situation to.. talk for/with me to a gp? Does that make sense? But everyone familiar.. won't? I tried counsellor an auntie recommended that do Medicare bulkbill (remotepsych?) But they aren't taking clients.. tried eap through my work, didn't help.. I contact lifeline, Beyondblue, suicidecallback, butterfly effect chats multiple times a week sometimes and it's just.. I swear it's automated lol see a gp see a gp.. but I can't? Any way what's a "support worker"? 😕


Thanks for warm thoughts, hope everyone is safe and we'll!! Xx

Re: I can't anymore..

@Rothman  My understanding is, there is an NDIS that you can apply for. It’s not an easy process, from what I can gather, but once you are accepted, support workers are then, part of that particular package. I’ll tag @Appleblossom  , as she will explain it better. Your needs are assessed,  and assistance ( support workers ) are provided, to help. I think that might be , whether you need help going to your GP, or any other needs you have.


I’m sorry you are getting the automated responses , that’s not very helpful at all.


Have you tried the SANE helplines . some very caring understanding people there. I know it’s a chat line thing, but it you found a connection, it’s a start.


Sending more warm thoughts your way. 💕💕

Re: I can't anymore..

Hi @Rothman  and welcome to the forums.  It's good that you have found us and are being supported here.  @Maggie  has given you the advice that I would give you.  You might find that at the moment GPs are doing telehealth (phone or facetime) consults so you don't actually have to go there in person.  And some, like the clinic I go to, you can contact via email through their website.

I do have an NDIS plan and the support workers I have (which NDIS pays for) take me to my essential appointments, shopping, chemist etc as well as out in the community for activities and exercise.  Having this has changed my life as I'm also unable to do these things by myself.  I started a thread called Re: Anyone started with the NDIS  some time ago and there's lots of information in there if you want to check it out.  But you do need reports from health professionals and a doctor to complete the access request form.  So if I were you I would start by googling doctors in your area and seeing who can be contacted by email.  Not sure what else to suggest, just talking from my own lived experience.  

Keep reaching out, there are many supportive people here, even if all we can do is hang out with you on the rough days.  There are also threads about coping skills, particular diagnoses, and some social threads ... use the search bar and you'll be amazed what you can find on here.

If you want to reply to or chat with a particular person type @  and you will see a drop down box where you can click on the name you want.  If that name isn't there then just @  and keep typing the name and it will soon appear in the box.

Take care and go gently.

Re: I can't anymore..

Not doing good. just can't help myself. too scared. No one else seems to care so why should I help myself why bother trying anymore..

Re: I can't anymore..

@Rothman  I hear that it’s really tough. It’s good that you have said exactly how you feel. 


I might just be a screen person, but I care. It’s not the same as real life, I get that, but care is care, you are worth caring about. 


Sending warm caring thoughts your way today. 💚💚💚💚

Re: I can't anymore..

guess.. it's just I can't go alone because I lie. I can't verbally ask for help. On the phone Or in person..

Just smile, everything is fine.. yep I'll eat, yep I'll stop drinking smoking hurting self.. lies lies lies..

Re: I can't anymore..

Why do I suck at this? Fail fail coward try harder press deeper why am I a coward why doesn't it work..? 😞 another day..




Re: I can't anymore..

@Maggie @eth

My brains fried I'm tired.. I just don't want to play anymore but I can't I don't know what to do


And boyfriend won't help take me to gp or with self harm or depression or not eating but he breaks his neck to see what I'm doing on the phone,  me posting here then criticizes. So deleting history and giving up I




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