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Something’s not right

Re: I can't anymore..

Hi @Rothman 


Sorry to hear you're going through a tough time at the moment, I will send you an email just to check it.




Re: I can't anymore..

@Rothman  Asking for help is not easy.


It all sounds really hard for you at the moment.


I’m hearing you. Sending some 💙💙💙

Re: I can't anymore..

Hi @Rothman   I'm here caring, as are @Maggie and @theposterboy   Hang in there.  If you want somewhere to hang out today the Saturday Soiree - all welcome!!  is a good place to meet people who may not have seen your thread.  I'll be kickstarting it shortly and will tag you there.  

Take care and be kind to yourself if you can.  Keep reaching out.  We might not have solutions for you, but we can sit with you while things are hard.  There are a few threads about self-care if you use the search bar, including ones like Coping Box , Daily goals, motivation and check in , and toolbox  that might help you find something to do that puts you in a more positive frame of mind and feel a little more able to reach out to dr, therapy etc in your offline life.

Re: I can't anymore..

thanks for love all. sending back love and support xx


another day.

Re: I can't anymore..

I hate life.. I'm tired of this? But i keep travelling.. It's exhausting sometimes.. stay safe all xx

Re: I can't anymore..

@eth  @Maggie @theposterboy @The-red-centaur @chibam 


Sorry if I missed anyone. Hope you are all safe, happy and healthy xx


Everything.. life's just.. I keep going thru the motions but why? I don't want to be alive.. but I don't want to be dead? I'm so lost and no one in the real world cares and I can't alone but what happens when I give up on just going.. I don't know

Not applicable

Re: I can't anymore..

Hi @Rothman 


I see that you are  lost but that you are reaching out on the forums for support. Good for you. Please consider getting some support off the forums too.  There are help lines and services that will care such as the counsellors at the SANE Help Centre.


take care of yourself,


I guess I don't really have any motivation or plans or an...

I guess I don't really have any motivation or plans or anything.. nothing keeps me going other than I'm too much of a coward to end it all? I know it sounds bad.. but that's it.. the only reason I stay here is because I can't leave/let boyfriend alone. He has no family, friends.. I'm all he's got.. I can't leave him alone? But if I'm dead.. Will I care? No. I do. I can't to him..

​father.. he lost his licence, he never goes outside, won't eat properly, sight bad, hearing bad.. spent thousands on phone cards (collecting them?) Yet I buy all milk, food, cleaning.. (4-6l milk a day??) He said years ago he'd move out to enjoy retirement.. he gets so angry at little things (dropped a spoon today.. f this f that f f f f *f=either f or c  word) or music on24/7 he's.. everyone hates him, he's rude and inconsiderate. He knows it, he says he's entilted.

I have up with him. Even now I sit here crying, he just turns his music up..

Re: I guess I don't really have any motivation or plans or an...

Hi @Rothman 


I'm Mufasa, currently moderating the forums. I'm so sorry to hear that you're lacking motivation for life right now, it sounds like you're in a really dark place.

I have just sent you an email to check in. 


I hope you're feeling a bit better this morning, 


Warm regards, 



Re: I guess I don't really have any motivation or plans or an...

Checking in. Still not okay but here. Hope y'all well 

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